January 14, 2025
Proposed- Not Adopted
Minutes of Wolverton City Council Meeting

Pursuant to due call and proper notice, a meeting of the City of Wolverton Council was held on January 14, 2025. The meeting was called to order by Chad Erickson at 6:15 P.M. Council members present Jessica Nelson, Shawn O’Dell, and Josh Jensen.

Absent: Jessi Kappes
Also Present:

Presentation: None

a. Josh Jensen moved to accept the December 10, 2024, minutes. It was seconded by Jess and carried, all in favor.
Bills & Claims:
a. Jess Nelson moved to accept the bills & claims. It was seconded by Josh and carried, all in favor.
Utilities: Letters to be sent to 2-4

Correspondence: A Complaint was reviewed in regard to Hwy 75; 3 lights not working on the north end of town. Discussion was had. Will be up to community members to help contact Xcel about non-working lights throughout town.

a. Overhead door in old FD shop has had motor and necessary components replaced/ repaired to make door operate as it should.
b. Hydrants: We would like estimates on water hydrant(s) replacement. John to get quotes to get 1-2 hydrants replaced this year, as well as create a list of what hydrants need maintenance to be up to par. John to possibly work with Sabin FD to have them help test all hydrants this summer.
c. Water and sewer are numbers are all good.
d. Year-end sewer numbers were submitted to Christine.
e. Sweeney was here last week to rebuild the transducer for the tower. That will help on the psi gauges reading more accurately.
a. Quote was given to protect City well from Camrud-Foss Concrete with 6 bollards. 2nd quote is still to come from another company.
a. Sink hole needs to be addressed asap, to be fixed at thaw. Needs to be excavated, filled and packed. Would be nice to get a quote from Hammond Excavating.
Mayor/City Clerk:
a. Attorney-No news Chad to call and get an update.
b. Diversion: no update, they are still working on acquisitions.
c. Camrud-Foss Proposal. Discussed.
d. 2025 budget approval Josh Jensen moves to approve 2025 City budget. 2nd Jessica. Approved.
e. Open Council position. Frank Israelson has accepted the position, and will be back from vacation at the beginning of March.
f. Maintenance position-Discussed about how to put the position online, pros and cons. Preference Professional. Talked about if that is a viable option. Chad to contact them to see what their rates, ect are. Jessica to list the position on LMC, other web-based sites, and unemployment sites. Jessi to add to the city website.
g. Discussed who the admins of website are besides Geoff. Should have someone else to help keep that updated.

Municipal Business Development: None

Motion to Adjourn: Josh Jensen moved to adjourn the January 14, 2025, it was seconded by Shawn and carried, all in favor. Chad Erickson declared the meeting adjourned. The next Wolverton City Council Meeting will be held on February 11, 2025.

Chad Erickson, Mayor
Attest: Jessi Kappes, Clerk