Pursuant to due call and proper notice, a meeting of the City of Wolverton Council was held on January 9, 2018 in Council Chambers in the City of Wolverton, MN. The meeting was called to order by Nancy Olthoff at 6:15 P.M. Council members present: Lisa Pool, Chad Erickson, and Eric Anderson.
Absent: John Kappes & Geoff Zibell
Also Present: LaDawn Turner
Minutes: Chad Erickson moved to accept the December 11, 2017 meeting minutes. It was seconded by Lisa and carried, all in favor.
Bills & Claims: The checks and bills were reviewed Chad Erickson moved to accept the bills & claims. It was seconded by Eric and carried, all in favor.
Overdue Utilities:
#1-8 will receive certified letters if not paid by the 16th.
#9 is on a payment plan.
Correspondence was shared with the council.
Jessi gave John’s report.
1. 4th quarter water samples were all good.
2. He has been doing snow removal and using the salt spreader on the sidewalks.
3. Sewer report was given to Christine.
4. He is planning to start remodeling the chemical room.
5. He is still waiting for 1 more bid on the water system updates.
Fire Department:
One truck was starting hard so a battery tender was purchased.
Fire Board: Jessi stated Randy told her the fire service agreement is with the state right now.
Rescue: Currently 3 active members. Bylaws may need to be redone. No changes at this time.
Santa days went very good. Lisa has a list of everything that was done and will be making plans/additions for next year.
Scott’s Electric should be in to fix the lights soon. Eric has the 4 marked.
Mayor/City Clerk:
Auto-Pay is currently in the process.
Do we want to review the ordinance book from League and compare with current ordinances? Yes Clerk will email out applicable ordinances with applicable chapters from the Leagues book.
Chad stated he had a complaint about to many vehicles in the yard/driveway of two residences. Clerk will mail out an ordinance violation letter along with a copy of the ordinance.
Planning Commission:
LaDawn Turner was present to notarize the Mayor and Clerk signatures for the sale of the bank building. Nancy will mail everything to title company.
Office of Tourism: No Report.
Municipal Business Development: None
New Business:
Old Business: None
Motion to Adjourn: on January 9, 2018 by Chad Erickson. It was seconded by Eric and carried, all in favor. Mayor Nancy Olthoff declared the meeting adjourned. The next Wolverton City Council Meeting will be Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 6:15 pm.