July 9, 2024
Proposed- Not Adopted
Minutes of Wolverton City Council Meeting
Pursuant to due call and proper notice, a meeting of the City of Wolverton Council was held on July 9, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Chad Erickson at 6:15 P.M. Council members present Luke Kratzer and Jess Nelson
Absent: Josh Jensen
Also Present: Joe Charon, Daniel Julson via Zoom
Daniel presented his report analyzing revenues and costs of each fund. Water is the fund that we need to look at possibly increasing going forward.
a. Jess Nelson moved to accept the June minutes and special meeting minutes from July 2nd. It was seconded by Luke and carried, all in favor.
Bills & Claims:
a. Jess Nelson moved to accept the bills & claims. It was seconded by Luke and carried, all in favor.
Utilities: Letters were sent.
Correspondence: None
a. Water and sewer good
a. Weeds need to be sprayed in the playground area.
Streets: Luke talked to the road grader that did the roads earlier this year. His road grader is currently down for the season. Luke looked into renting a grader that he could attach to his skid steer. Chad talked to LaDawn and they could drop off a pile of gravel for us but would be quite a while before they would have time to spread it throughout town. Luke will get it ordered and a pile placed by the city shop.
Mayor/City Clerk:
a. Maintenance/water & Sewer position postings will be coming out shortly. Discussed the application period will be open ended until the council feels they have enough applications. Luke is willing to help upkeep the mowing.
b. Attorney for the diversion-Jess is working towards contacting O’Keeffe, Lyson, Foss Attorneys.
c. Funds from UBS account to be reinvested. Funds will be transferred to our savings account for the time being. Jess Nelson moved to make this transfer, it was seconded by Luke and carried all in favor.
d. Reviewed parking ordinance drafted by the attorney. Made revisions to the draft for final approval at the August meeting.
Municipal Business Development: None
Motion to Adjourn: Jess Nelson moved to adjourn the July 9, 2024, it was seconded by Luke and carried, all in favor. Chad Erickson declared the meeting adjourned. The next Wolverton City Council Meeting will be held on August 13, 2024.
Chad Erickson, Mayor
Attest: Jessi Kappes, Clerk