Pursuant to due call and proper notice, a meeting of the City of Wolverton Council was held on March 14, 2017 in Council Chambers in the City of Wolverton, MN. The meeting was called to order by Nancy Olthoff at 6:15 P.M. Council members present: Lisa Pool, Chad Erickson and Geoff Zibell.

Also Present: Sheriff Rick Fiedler, Wilkin County Attorney Carl Thunem, Auditor Jamie Fay
Absent: Eric Anderson

Jamie presented the 2016 financial statements. Audit had all good findings. There are some issues with the fire board and budgeting that need to be figured out. Fire state aid has specific rules of where and how these funds can be spent. Jamie also went through the Executive Summary which provides more information on each fund. Chad Erickson moved to accept the 2016 financials. It was seconded by Geoff and carried, all in favor.

Rick Fielder stated that we were up 29 calls in 2016 so total due was $2,864.01. He also stated Carl Thunem has been on staff 10 months. They have also hired another deputy as well.

Carl stated that while he is not the attorney for the city he can handle small petty misdemeanor, DWI etc. for cities in Wilkin County that have 600 or less people. We also asked the attorney what we can do about dog issues in town as we recently had an incident. In this specific case charges were not file and the city mailed an ordinance violation letter to the dogs owners. In the future the victim should press charges. The city will also be looking to update the animal ordinance. Rothsay has recently updated their animal ordinance so we could contact them for a sample.

Minutes: Geoff Zibell moved to accept the February 15, 2017 meeting minutes. It was seconded by Chad and carried, all in favor.

Bills & Claims: The checks and bills were reviewed Chad Erickson moved to accept the bills & claims. It was seconded by Lisa and carried, all in favor.

Overdue Utilities: #1- John has turned this water off, #2 and 3 will get a certified letter.

Correspondence: Was shared with the council. Turner’s provided us a bid for 2017 gravel and blading. Lisa moved to accept this bid. It was seconded by Chad and carried, all in favor.

Engineer/Water/Sewer: Jessi reported for John. The water system has needed to be restarted more frequently. We’ve used 220,200 gallons this month. There is a contractor coming this Thursday to repair the walls in the hall.

Fire Department: Randy stated they are getting state bidding on radios. It is 48-49% cheaper. This would cost about $2,800 + an additional $1,000 if we wanted a dual band. We need to look into our gaming ordinance. We also need to have a fire board meeting.

Fire Board: None

Rescue: Rescue has 4 members. Unsure of what the future holds as it is tough going on calls alone.

Parks: John will take the plastic down from the rink. Lisa stated that some of the lights are starting to lean at the ball park so we may need to look at fixing those in the future.
Chad stated that while we haven’t been able to get a softball team he is working to organize a family kickball night/potluck.

Streets: LED lights have been installed around town.
Polar has removed wires from the Betz house.
We now own River road again and have paid the township for the repairs.

Mayor/City Clerk:
Chris McDaniels inquired if the city would consider blowing snow for individuals. Jess will ask John if he has time and we can look into any potential insurance issues.

Also there was an inquiry if we will be doing a city wide rummage sale this year?
We will get clean-up day setup.

Planning Commission: No Report.

Office of Tourism: No Report.

Municipal Business Development:

New Business: Chad stated that we can set-up a meeting with Fargo if we would like to discuss the diversion more. Nancy attended an emergency mitigation meeting in Wilkin County which discussed FEMA assistance.

Old Business: Need to review tree ordinance further.

Motion to Adjourn: on March 14, 2017 by Geoff Zibell. It was seconded by Chad and carried, all in favor. Mayor Nancy Olthoff declared the meeting adjourned. The next Wolverton City Council Meeting will be Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at 6:15 pm.