March 14, 2024
Proposed- Not Adopted
Minutes of Wolverton City Council Meeting

Pursuant to due call and proper notice, a meeting of the City of Wolverton Council was held on March 14, 2024. The meeting was called to order by Chad Erickson at 6:15 P.M. Council members present Josh Jensen, Jess Nelson and Luke Kratzer.

Absent: Jessi Kappes
Also Present: Shawn O’Dell

Presentation: None

a. Josh Jensen moved to accept the February 2024 minutes. It was seconded by Luke and carried, all in favor.
Bills & Claims:
a. Luke Kratzer moved to accept the bills & claims. It was seconded by Jess and carried, all in favor.
Utilities: Letters sent

Correspondence: None

a. Water and sewer have been good.
b. John went around and marked all light poles that are not working with yellow tape. Called Xcel again and created another work order.
c. John has been looking for road graders again. He spoke to the present of Christine township and he is going to run it by the board for approval to do the city. He will get back to John with an answer.
d. We need a electrician for one of the power boxes at the campground.
e. Should letters be sent out to residents with branches on the boulevard?
f. Letters to individuals that leave their garbage cans out on the road all week?
g. Spring cleanup day. What day do you want it set for? May 7th, 14th or 21st?
h. City lawn mower needs a bottom end gasket. Need approval to get it fixed.

a. Discussion on city equipment. Possibly look at purchasing a zero turn mower instead of repairing current mower.
b. Discussion on purchasing other tools such as chainsaw, pole saw etc. So personal tools are not used. Council would like John to take an inventory of what tools the city has.
c. Discussion on job duties, council would like to review.
a. John call Aber to see what he would charge to come and fix the pickup and pumper truck.
d. Luke Kratzer moved to purchase new solar lamps for the park. It was seconded by Josh and carried, all in favor.

Streets: None

Mayor/City Clerk:
a. Look at cleaning the creek in town. Can we burn the brush?
b. Send letter to owner of pickup at apartment buildings for abandoned vehicle with 2 flat tires and bad tabs.
c. Discussion on how properties in town are looking and what upkeep is needed. Looking into ordinances regarding these complaints. How can we positively encourage residents to remove vehicles and debris?

Municipal Business Development: None

Motion to Adjourn: Luke Krazter moved to adjourn the March 14, 2024, it was seconded by Josh and carried, all in favor. Chad Erickson declared the meeting adjourned. The next Wolverton City Council Meeting will be held on April 9, 2024.

Chad Erickson, Mayor
Attest: Jessi Kappes, Clerk