City of Wolverton – Council Meeting Minutes
March 14, 2017 – Minutes of Wolverton City Council Meeting
Pursuant to due call and proper notice, a meeting of the City of Wolverton Council was held on March 14, 2017 in Council Chambers in the City of Wolverton, MN. The meeting was called to order by Nancy Olthoff at 6:15 P.M. Council members present: Lisa Pool, Chad Erickson and Geoff Zibell. Also Present: Sheriff Rick Fiedler, Wilkin County Attorney Carl Thunem, Auditor Jamie Fay Absent: Eric Anderson Presentation: Jamie presented the 2016 financial statements. Audit had all good findings. There are some issues with the fire board and budgeting that need to be figured out. Fire state aid has [...]
February 15, 2017 – Minutes of Wolverton City Council Meeting
Pursuant to due call and proper notice, a meeting of the City of Wolverton Council was held on February 15, 2017 in Council Chambers in the City of Wolverton, MN. The meeting was called to order by Chad Erickson at 6:15 P.M. Council members present: Lisa Pool, Eric Anderson, and Geoff Zibell. Also Present: Randy Schmidt and John Kappes Absent: Nancy Olthoff Presentation: Minutes: Geoff Zibell moved to accept the January 10, 2017 meeting minutes. It was seconded by Lisa and carried, all in favor. Bills & Claims: The checks and bills were reviewed Eric Anderson moved to accept the [...]
January 10, 2017 – Minutes of Wolverton City Council Meeting
Pursuant to due call and proper notice, a meeting of the City of Wolverton Council was held on January 10, 2017 in Council Chambers in the City of Wolverton, MN. The meeting was called to order by Nancy Olthoff at 6:15 P.M. Council members present: Lisa Pool, Eric Anderson, and Geoff Zibell. Also Present: Calvin Absent: Chad Erickson Presentation: Lisa Pool and Eric Anderson both took Oaths of Office. Minutes: Geoff Zibell moved to accept the December 13, 2016 meeting minutes. It was seconded by Eric and carried, all in favor. Bills & Claims: The checks and bills were reviewed [...]