October 13, 2020
Proposed- Not Adopted
Minutes of Wolverton City Council Meeting

Pursuant to due call and proper notice, a meeting of the City of Wolverton Council was held on October 13, 2020. The meeting was called to order by Nancy Olthoff at 6:15 P.M. Council members present: Geoff Zibell, Duane Nelson, Chad Erickson and Lisa Pool.

Absent: None
Also Present: John, Nathan Berseth, Steph Miranowski, Dennis Larson and Tim Fox

Presentation: Council went into Executive session to discuss the diversion. Executive session was recessed to continue later this month.

City went into open City Council Meeting.

Minutes: Geoff Zibell moved to accept the September 10, 2020 meeting minutes. It was seconded by Chad and carried, all in favor.

Bills & Claims: The checks and bills were reviewed Geoff Zibell moved to accept the bills & claims. It was seconded by Lisa and carried, all in favor.

Overdue Utilities:
No Shutoff letters were sent.

Correspondence was shared with the council.

1. John is planning to shingle the North side of the shop this month.
2. Hydrants will be flushed the week of the 21st.
3. The tree by the shop will be cut down in October.
4. John smoothed the ruts out on the SW corner of town and will haul fill in.
5. Box bladed all alleys after the gravel was dropped off.
6. Water samples all submitted and good.
7. Working on fixing the ball diamond fence.
8. Cut down small trees in the ball diamond ditch.
9. Tree trimming the park and campground.
10. Hauling black dirt in to level the low spots in the campground.
11. Leg on the welcome sign North of town.

Parks: Discussed getting rid of the pop machine as it makes no profit. John will call and cancel it.

1. Duane stated that Jeff Levine is looking to buy Scott’s truck and do snow removal for towns and townships. He will be submitted a bid for us. We make look at storing the truck in the fire hall.
2. Discussed having electronic speed signs when entering town. John will see what he can find out about getting these.

Mayor/City Clerk:
1. Budgets will be reviewed and discussed in November.

Planning Commission: No Report.

Office of Tourism: No Report.

Municipal Business Development: No Report.

New Business: None

Old Business: None

Motion to Adjourn: on October 13, 2020 by Geoff Zibell. It was seconded by Chad and carried, all in favor. Mayor Nancy Olthoff declared the meeting adjourned. The next Wolverton City Council Meeting will be Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 6:15 pm.

Nancy Olthoff, Mayor
Attest: Jessi Kappes, Clerk