Pursuant to due call and proper notice, a meeting of the City of Wolverton Council was held on September 11, 2018 in Council Chambers in the City of Wolverton, MN. The meeting was called to order by Nancy Olthoff at 6:15 P.M. Council members present: Geoff Zibell, Eric Anderson, Lisa Pool and Chad Erickson.
Absent: None
Also Present: None
Presentation: None
Minutes: Geoff Zibell moved to accept the August 14, 2018 meeting minutes. It was seconded by Lisa and carried, all in favor.
Bills & Claims: The checks and bills were reviewed Chad Erickson moved to accept the bills & claims. It was seconded by Geoff and carried, all in favor.
Overdue Utilities:
Utility Ordinance enforcement began this month. Seven past due letters were mailed out. All accounts were paid.
Correspondence: Nancy received a call from County Commissioner, Stephanie Miranowski regarding having an attorney help the city write an impact letter about the flood diversion. An upcoming meeting about the flood diversion is planned for Thursday September 13th. Nancy will be attending.
1. Sweeny Controls is working on the water panel.
2. Gravel work was done on the alleys. John is continuing to fill potholes as needed.
3. Campground will be full again soon. They have also reserved the campground for next year.
4. H & H Coatings would like to come and clean the water tower. John will schedule and flush the fire hydrants at the same time.
5. Park fencing was ordered.
Fire Department: None
Rescue: None
1. Last All City Gathering was held.
2. Lisa will begin planning a Santa Day.
Streets: None
Mayor/City Clerk:
1. Discussion was had, and budget preparation is in process. Lisa Pool moved to keep the tax levy amounts the same as last year. It was seconded by Chad and carried, all in favor.
Planning Commission: No Report.
Office of Tourism: No Report.
Municipal Business Development: None
New Business: None
Old Business: None
Motion to Adjourn: on September 11, 2018 by Chad Erickson. It was seconded by Lisa and carried, all in favor. Mayor Nancy Olthoff declared the meeting adjourned. The next Wolverton City Council Meeting will be Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 6:15 pm.